OLIspeed and Omlat Mechatronics – United to best meet the Market’s needs: from Wood to Steel, the right solution for our Clients

16/01/2024 - News

January 1, 2024 – A strategic alliance that marks a significant evolution in the mechanical processing sector.

OLIspeed has announced its relocation to the Omlat Mechatronics headquarters, effective January 1, 2024. This decision represents a crucial step for the group, aiming to strengthen its position in the mechanical processing market.

Two Brands, One Excellence Objective

Thanks to the important technical and production synergies between OLIspeed and Omlat Mechatronics, Customers now have the opportunity to choose between two renowned brands, both synonymous with quality and innovation in the field of mechanical processing.This union not only expands the options available to Customers but also reinforces the message that choosing OLI today means relying on a group capable of masterfully addressing all processing needs for any type of material.

Optimization of Processes Through Omlat Mechatronics’ Advanced Technology

The collaboration between OLIspeed and Omlat Mechatronics paves the way for significant improvements in internal processes. The Omlat Mechatronics headquarters, equipped with the most sophisticated technologies and equipment, will optimize every phase of production. This not only ensures a higher level of precision and quality in OLIspeed-Omlat products but also greater efficiency in production processes.

A Strengthened Global Presence

One of the most interesting aspects of this merger is the integration of OLI’s sales network with the resources of OLIspeed and Omlat. This will allow the group to have a more widespread and professional presence worldwide. The combination of sales forces and expertise from both companies will ensure broader coverage and even more attentive and personalized customer service.

Synergy for the Future

The decision to merge OLIspeed and Omlat Mechatronics locations represents not only a strategic move laying the groundwork for future growth in production and technology capacity but also an excellent example of how the synergy between two established entities can create significant added value for customers and the market as a whole.

In conclusion, the increasingly close collaboration between OLIspeed and Omlat Mechatronics marks a fundamental step towards a future of shared successes, signifying a historic moment for the group and the international mechanical processing sector.

With this union, the OLI group reaffirms its position as a reference point in the industry, ready to effectively and innovatively respond to the challenges of the global market.